About FGHS
2016-17 Oregon school Report Card
Overall State Rating: Level 4
(Rating of Level 4 means we are at the state average when compared to all schools statewide. When compared to schools with similar demographics, we are above average.)
1401 Nichols Lane
Forest Grove, OR 97116
(503) 359-2432 FAX (503) 359-2521
CEEB Code: 380370
Website: www.fgsd.k12.or.us
∙ 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
Continuing Student Success Award
State Superintendent Susan Castillo
∙ 2008, 2013 Breakthrough School Award MetLife/NASSP
∙ 2008 Model School Award
International Center for Educational Leadership ∙ 2011 Model School Award
International Center for Educational Leadership ∙ 2011 Breaking Ranks Model School Award
International Center for Educational Leadership
Karen O’Neill, Principal
Brian Burke, Assistant Principal
Colene Lord, Assistant Principal
Chelsea Aillon, Assistant Principal
Doug Thompson,
Assistant Principal/Athletic Director
Dwight Jensen, Dean of Students
Forest Grove School District Quick Facts: ∙ Communities in Western Washington County that make up the district: Cornelius, Dilley, Forest Grove and Gales Creek, encompassing over 225 square miles.
∙ Largest employers: Merix, FGSD, and Pacific University
∙ Schools: One high school (9-12), one middle school (7-8), one upper elementary (5-6), and five
elementary schools (K-4)
∙ Students in district: 6124 of which 1960 students are at the high school. Approximately 53% qualify for free and reduced lunch, 56% are Latino, 9% of the high school students are English Language Learners, and 14% are special needs students.
∙ Extracurricular activities: 65% of high school students are involved in music, drama, clubs, and athletics (2019).
∙ College attendance: approximately 75% of the Class of 2020 attended a 2- or 4-year college, 28% of our students attend a four-year college and 45% attend a two-year college. 2% attended a vocational/career college. The Class of 2019
received over $3.1 million dollars in scholarships and awards.
∙ The school is a member of The Pacific Northwest Association of College Admission Counselors.
Forest Grove High School academic curriculum includes the following features:
*ADVANCED PROGRAMS: The following Advanced Placement courses are offered:
*Offered every other year
Biology Economics* Calculus AB Music Theory Calculus BC Physics 1* Chemistry Physics 2*
Comp. Science AB Psychology Comp. Science Principles AB Spanish Language English Lang & Composition Spanish Literature Environmental Science Statistics European History Studio Art
Human Geography US History US Government & Politics World History AP Music Theory
*VOCATIONAL/TECHNICAL PROGRAMS: Vocational programs are available to students in the area of business, childcare, culinary, agriculture, drafting, mechatronics, graphics and construction. For thirty years, FGHS students have designed, constructed and decorated a Viking House and sold it to the public. Our school is aligned with two regional programs: the Portland Area Vocational Technical Educational Consortium (PAVTEC) and the Business Education Compact (BEC). Forest Grove High School’s 2016 Viking House won People’s Choice Award for Best in Show, Best Kitchen, Best Value, Best Master Bath, Best Decorations and Realtor’s Choice for Best Value. *ARTICULATED PROGRAMS:
Dual credit programs are established with Portland Community College, Southern Oregon University, and Western Oregon University through Western Promise. Students can earn college credit in the areas of science, math, occupations, Chemistry, Biology, as well as European History, World History, US History, and Economics. For the 2019-2020 school year 2,332 PCC credits were earned by 345 unduplicated students for a savings of $270,512.00 to our students, and 372 university credits were earned through Willamette Promise for a savings of $76,260.
*COMPUTER FACILITIES: Students and staff have access to Chromebook carts. Students and parents use CIS, a college and career resource to assist in their post secondary planning.
*VIKING SENIOR PROJECT: Since 1992, each senior produces a project as a culminating activity of his or her high school career. The project is researched, a report written, and then presented orally to a panel of judges. Viking Senior Project will serve as an extended application and capstone project.
GRADUATION REQUIREMENT One unit of credit shall be awarded for the successful completion of a planned course based upon credit awarded on a proficiency basis. A semester course is worth one-half unit, and a full year course is worth one unit of credit.
Language Arts 4
Mathematics 3* Science 3
Health Education 1
Physical Education 1
Career Education .5 World Studies 1
American Studies 1
Governments .5 Economics .5 Second Language, Arts, Prof. Tech 3
Electives 5.5 Total 24
Additional requirements:
∙ Develop an education plan and build an education profile
∙ Meet the performance standard for extended application through a collection of evidence
∙ Demonstrate career-related learning standards ∙ Required areas of study and units of credit for grades 9-12 as noted above
∙ Demonstrate essential skills
The GPA and the class ranks are calculated for all grades from A-F by semester. Most classes are graded on a 4.0 scale. Advanced Placement classes, signified by the prefix AP, are weighted on a 5.0 scale. All letter grade courses and all 4 years are included in the cumulative GPA. FGHS does provide a class ranking which includes weighted grades. We do have shared ranking. In addition, FGHS assesses students on a Standards Based Grading system. Students must be proficient in all identified standards to pass a course.
Students qualify for an Honors Diploma by having a 3.5 or higher GPA, 45 hours of community service for the class of 2023 and 60 hours for every other class, completing two years of a World Language, one year of Science beyond Biology, and three years of Math through Algebra 2. They must also complete four AP or college level courses with a ‘C’ grade or higher.
All classes are on a modified A/B block schedule, scheduled over a two-day period. Eight class periods are 91 minutes in length. All course credit is awarded on a Credit By Proficiency basis.
2019 ACT SCORES FGHS State National Composite 18.1 21.3 20.8 Number Tested 360
The certified staff consists of 123 certified staff including one Principal, three Assistant Principals, an Athletic Director, a Dean of Students, an Activity Coordinator, and 52 classified staff. Of our faculty, 81% of the certified staff hold a Master's degree. Last year, 100% of our classes were taught by teachers who meet the federal definition of Highly Qualified Teacher.
(503) 359-2435 Phone (503) 359-2401 Fax
Six Master's level certificated full-time academic counselors, one drug and alcohol counselor, two half time mental health counselors, two outreach liaison to the Hispanic community, one school-to-work staff, one psychologist and department staff are available to help students with academic, career and personal concerns.
The counseling department staff is:
∙ Sara Cox, Counselor – A-C
∙ Christina Ruvalcaba, Counselor – D-H
∙ Brooke Gale, Counselor – I-M & 9th ELD
∙ Megan Van Zanten, Counselor – N-Ri & 10-12 ELD
-Tommy Cox, Counselor - Ro-Z
∙ Catherine Davis, Counselor – AVID all grades
∙ Amanda Morris, School Psychologist
∙ Michael Farroll– Counselor – Mental Health
∙ Hanna Thompson – Mental Health Care Coordinator
∙ Taylor Elliot, Counselor - Youth Contact
∙ Rosy Casillas, Bilingual Liaison
∙ Fernando Martinez, Family Outreach Attendance Liaison
∙ Moises Garcia, Migrant Grad Specialist
- Lupe Rivera, Migrant Grad Specialist
∙ Anette Rodriguez-Rojas, Migrant Family Liaison
∙ Carmen Miranda, Secretary
∙ Amaralis Perez, Registrar
∙ Vicki Van Loo, College & Career Specialist/ASPIRE Coordinator
∙ David Pero, Liaison for the Homeless
Oregon Department Of Education - At - A - Glance Profiles and Accountability Details