AP Classes » AP Classes

AP Classes

Forest Grove High School is proud to offer on-site courses that support 23 different Advanced Placement exams, one of the most offered by a high school in Oregon. AP classes as well as Honors classes are open to any student who wants the exposure to a rigorous college preparatory program. Last year about 700 exams were taken in the following courses, an increase from 500 just two years ago! Students interested in enrolling simply need to register for these courses during forecasting. If you have any questions, please see your counselor for additional information.  
Biology Tammy Johnson
Calculus AB Rita Wanner-Leutkenhaus
Calculus BC Russel Lambach
Chemistry Morey Miller
Computer Science A Greg Scott
English Language Dawn Nelson
English Literature Megan Murtaugh
Environmental Science Neil Borzcik
European History Andrew Garrett & Heather Zehr
Government and Politics Laura Lewis
Human Geography Daniel Lumpkin
Macroeconomics* Eric Weinbender
Microeconomics* Eric Weinbender
Music Theory Barry Berdahl
Physics 2 John Worst
Psychology Robert Kirkman
Research Mikaela Van Slyke
Seminar Dawn Nelson
Spanish Language Sally Soper
Spanish Literature Rosa Sangiovanni
Statistics Craig Russell
2-D Art & Design Gwen Hullinger
U.S. History Travis Tocher & Mikaela Van Slyke
World History Daniel Lumpkin

▪ Course supports more than one AP exam

*Course occurs in alternating years opposite of another course

-FGHS students MAY be able to take other exams pursuant to a pre-approved course of independent study.

Hello AP Students, 

The following is information regarding the Advanced Placement Exams for Spring 2024.

All exams will be in person this year. Students who are taking an AP exam will need to create an account and register with AP Collegeboard. Students will get their join code for the exam they are taking from their AP teacher. Once these steps are completed an exam will be ordered.

Sign in to My AP with your College Board account and make sure you’ve joined your class section. If you haven’t, you’ll need to follow the steps to join your section online

Register—or confirm your existing registration—in My AP. If you don’t see that button, it means you’ve already been automatically registered for the exam. If you’d like to register for an exam after November, your order may be subject to a late fee. You’ll need to ask your AP coordinator to update your registration. If your class doesn’t start until the spring, you won’t be charged a late order fee. 

If you do not complete these steps even if you paid for your exam a test will not be ordered for you. The deadline to indicate if you are taking an exam is November 8, 2023. Our school's order will be submitted at that time. Any orders that are submitted late will be assessed a $40 late fee per exam in addition to the cost of the exam.  If you do not plan on taking an AP exam, please notify your teacher. If you drop the class  and a test has been ordered for you already, you will still need to pay the $40 unused exam fee. 

2023-2024 AP Exam Fee

FGHS AP Exam Fee

$78 per exam

FGHS AP Seminar/Research

$126 per exam

Test takers NOT enrolled at FGHS

$30 additional processing fee per exam

Free/Reduced Lunch

FREE for all tests

Late Exam Orders

(after November 8th unless it is a 2nd semester class)

$40 per exam in addition to the exam fee

Unused/Canceled Exam Fee

$40 per exam (even if you qualify for free/reduced lunch).

February 29, 2024 is the deadline to make payment or setup a payment plan

Payment Questions? Email our Bookkeeping office at [email protected]

Pay online at tracks.activenetwork.com/FGHS/webstore

  • Login to your existing student account - do not create a new account

username: student ID number

password: first initial and last name (students with two last names: include a space or a hyphen between last names)

  • Add AP Exam(s) to your cart and pay. You’ll receive an order confirmation via email.

Free or Reduced Lunch Students

Students enrolled in the 2023-2024 Free or Reduced Lunch program will NOT pay to take AP tests this year.  If you are unsure of your lunch status, please email bookkeeping before paying. If you have not enrolled yet, it is not too late to do so (applications are on the district website). Lunch status will be verified and you may be requested to provide proof or enrollment.

Students NOT enrolled at Forest Grove High School

Home schooled students and students from other schools wishing to take AP tests through Forest Grove High School will pay the regular fee of $98, plus an additional processing fee of $30.  Please note that the process is the same, as noted above. 

Payment Plans

We offer payment plans to any student needing an extension to pay. Please email [email protected]  to set up a payment plan. 

What if I can’t login to my webstore account? Email [email protected] 

Can I pay in-person? Online payment is highly preferred. If this isn’t possible, you can mail or drop off a check or money order payable to FGHS. Please reference your student ID number. 

What if I pay and later decide not to take the exam? This year, there is a charge for unused exams.  A $40 fee will be charged if students decide not to take a test, and any refund will be processed by the end of June, 2024.

Dates and times of the exams: https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/exam-administration-ordering-scores/exam-dates

Locations are TBD.

Please reach out to either one of us if you have any questions.


Mary Ann Mendoza-Guerra,

[email protected]

David Burke, 

[email protected]

AP Coordinators, 2023-2024

Hola estudiantes AP,

 La siguiente es información sobre los exámenes de los clases avanzada para la primavera de 2024.

 Todos los exámenes serán presenciales este año. Los estudiantes que tomen un examen AP deberán crear una cuenta y registrarse en AP Collegeboard . Los estudiantes recibirán su código de inscripción para el examen que realizarán de su maestro AP. Una vez que se completen estos pasos, se ordenará un examen.


Inicie sesión en Mi AP con su cuenta de College Board y asegúrese de haberse unido a su sección de clase. Si no lo has hecho, deberás seguir los pasos para unirte a tu sección en línea .

Regístrese (o confirme su registro existente) en Mi AP. Si no ve ese botón, significa que ya se registró automáticamente para el examen. Si desea inscribirse para un examen después de noviembre, su pedido puede estar sujeto a un cargo por pago atrasado. Deberá pedirle a su coordinador AP que actualice su registro. Si su clase no comienza hasta la primavera, no se le cobrará ningún cargo por pedido atrasado.


Si no completa estos pasos, incluso si pagó por su examen, no se le solicitará una prueba. La fecha límite para indicar si estás ordenando un examen es 8 de noviembre de 2023 . La orden de nuestra escuela se enviará en ese momento. A cualquier pedido que se envíe tarde se le aplicará un cargo por pago atrasado de $40 por examen, además del costo del examen. Si no planea tomar un examen AP, notifique a su maestro . Si abandona la clase y ya se le ha solicitado un examen, aún deberá pagar la tarifa del examen de $40 no utilizada.


Tarifa del examen AP 2023-2024

Tarifa del examen AP de FGHS

$78 por examen

Seminario/Investigación FGHS AP

$126 por examen

Examinados NO inscritos en FGHS

Tarifa de procesamiento adicional de $30 por examen

Almuerzo Gratis/Reducido

GRATIS para todas las pruebas

Órdenes de exámenes tardíos

(después del 8 de noviembre a menos que sea una clase de 2do semestre)


$40 por examen además de la tarifa del examen

Tarifa de examen no utilizado/cancelado

$40 por examen (incluso si califica para almuerzo gratis o reducido).

29 de febrero de 2024 es la fecha límite para hacer el pago o configurar un plan de pago

¿Preguntas sobre pagos? Envíe un correo electrónico a nuestra oficina de contabilidad a [email protected]

Pague en línea en tracks.activenetwork.com/FGHS/webstore

  • Inicie sesión en su cuenta de estudiante existente; no cree una cuenta nueva

nombre de usuario : número de identificación del estudiante

contraseña : inicial del primer nombre y apellido (estudiantes con dos apellidos: incluir un espacio o un guión entre los apellidos)

  • Agregue exámenes AP a su carrito y pague. Recibirás una confirmación del pedido por correo electrónico.

Estudiantes con almuerzo gratis o reducido

Los estudiantes inscritos en el programa de almuerzo gratuito o reducido 2023-2024 NO pagarán para tomar los exámenes AP este año. Si no está seguro del estado de su almuerzo, envíe un correo electrónico a contabilidad antes de pagar. Si aún no se ha inscrito, no es demasiado tarde para hacerlo (las solicitudes se encuentran en el sitio web del distrito). Se verificará el estado del almuerzo y es posible que se le solicite que proporcione prueba o inscripción.

 Estudiantes NO matriculados en Forest Grove High School

Los estudiantes educados en el hogar y los estudiantes de otras escuelas que deseen tomar exámenes AP a través de Forest Grove High School pagarán la tarifa regular de $98, más una tarifa de procesamiento adicional de $30. Tenga en cuenta que el proceso es el mismo, como se indicó anteriormente.

 Planes de pago

Ofrecemos planes de pago a cualquier estudiante que necesite una extensión para pagar. Envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected] para configurar un plan de pago.

 ¿Qué pasa si no puedo iniciar sesión en mi cuenta de tienda web? Envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected] 


¿Puedo pagar en persona? Se prefiere el pago en línea. Si esto no es posible, puede enviar por correo o entregar un cheque o giro postal a nombre de FGHS. Por favor haga referencia a su número de identificación de estudiante.


¿Qué pasa si pago y luego decido no hacer el examen? Este año se cobra un cargo por los exámenes no utilizados. Se cobrará una tarifa de $40 si los estudiantes deciden no realizar un examen, y cualquier reembolso se procesará a fines de junio de 2024.

 Fechas y horarios de los exámenes: https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/exam-administration-ordering-scores/exam-dates

Las ubicaciones están por determinar.

 Comuníquese con cualquiera de nosotros si tiene alguna pregunta.


Mary Ann Mendoza-Guerra,

[email protected]

 David Burke,

[email protected]

 Coordinadores AP, 2023-2024

FAQ’S about Advanced Placement Exams

How do I sign up to take an AP exam? You will need to get the join code needed from your AP teacher. Then,

Sign in to My AP with your College Board account and make sure you’ve joined your class section. If you haven’t, you’ll need to follow the steps to join your section online

Register—or confirm your existing registration—in My AP. If you don’t see that button, it means you’ve already been automatically registered for the exam. If you’d like to register for an exam after November, your order may be subject to a late fee. You’ll need to ask your AP coordinator to update your registration. If your class doesn’t start until the spring, you won’t be charged a late order fee. 


Do I have to take the AP exam to be in an AP class?

No, you do not, but if you decide after the November 8th order date you will have to pay an additional $40 fee to take the exam.

How do I reset my password or who do I contact if I have trouble logging in? To change your password:

  1.     Go to the College Board homepage and click Sign In.
  2.     Click Need Help Signing In and select Forgot Password?
  3.     Enter your email, click Email Reset Link.
  4.     Go to your email Inbox, open the Account password reset message and click RESET PASSWORD.
  5.     A new browser will open where you can create a new password.

You'll receive an email confirming your password was successfully changed. Use this new password the next time you sign in. You can also call 1-866-917-9029.

 How do I know if I qualify for a reduced fee for my AP exam? Fill out the application for free and reduced lunch and submit it to the main office. 



How much does each AP exam cost? $78 ($128 for AP Seminar/Research) per exam.

Do I still have to pay for my exam if I decide later that I don’t want to take it? You will not have to pay for the exam itself, but you will have to pay a cancellation fee of $40.

Who can talk to in person if I need more help? Your AP teacher, Mrs. Mendoza-Guerra in room 2102 or Mr. David Burke in room 2211, your school AP Coordinators.