Attendance » Attendance


Attendance policies and procedures are based upon Oregon State Law and the premise that there is a high correlation between good attendance and academic success. Teachers may establish minimum attendance and participation requirements for their individual class.
Parents are to call the 24-hour attendance phone 503-359-2439 within 24 hours of their student’s absence to excuse the absence. Messages may be left in English or Spanish. 
Excused Absence Definition
  • personal illness including medical, psychological and dental care appointments
  • illness or death in the family
  • family emergencies or other compelling circumstances, as determined by the administration.
Absences for any other reason will be unexcused, and a detention may be assigned.
Tardy Definition
Arriving to class on time is important as it affects the classroom decorum and the learning of other students. A student is considered to have an unexcused tardy if he/she is not in the classroom at the time the bell rings and does not have an excuse from the office, or an excuse deemed valid by the teacher. Detentions may be assigned, chronic tardiness is referred to administration.
Failure to serve assigned detention will result in suspension.
Closed Campus 
FGHS is a closed campus. Students must obtain an off-campus pass from the attendance office to leave during the school day. Parents/guardians must request off-campus passes for their student prior to their leaving campus.
Students with school release must obtain a school release card from the attendance office.
Students leaving campus during the day will be asked to produce a school release card or off-campus pass to show security.
Who to Contact
Direct Attendance Line:
503-359-2439 or
503-359-2432, ext 3920 (English) or ext 3921 (Spanish)

Vanessa Lopez Vasquez
Attendance secretary
9-12th Grade
Teresa Milan
Attendance/FamilyOutreach Liaison
503.359.2432    ext. 3535