Forest Grove High School Home

Welcome to Forest Grove High School

We believe a high-quality, well-rounded educational experience is rigorous, culturally relevant, engaging and healthful. It incorporates new technology and new approaches to instruction and learning. It nurtures the whole child, with opportunities for music and world languages and hands-on learning. It requires high quality, effective teachers, administrators and support staff. It builds on strong relationships and shared responsibility with students, family and community. 

Recent News

Fall 2024 Family Conferences/ Conferencias familiares de otoño

This year parents will have the ability to check-in at the school using a QR Code that will be provided right outside and inside the school. You will be asked to fill in the Students name, ID# (optional), grade, and the parent's name on the Google form.
Este año, los padres podrán registrarse en la escuela mediante un código QR que se les entregará afuera y adentro de la escuela. Se les pedirá que completen el nombre del estudiante, el número de identificación (opcional), el grado y el nombre del padre en el formulario de Google.

AP Exam Registration

Students and Parents: AP Exam Registration is happening now! This is the time for students to decide whether or not they will be taking their AP exams in the Spring. November 1st is the deadline to avoid a late fee!

Parent Testimonials

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