Course Offerings
CALC offers all required classes in English, Social studies, Science, Math, Health, electives, and applied arts. In compliance with Oregon Department of Education regulations, all CALC students complete any and all work samples and standardized state testing in required fields of study. Although some testing has been postponed because of COVID-19 protocols.
The Discovery Curriculum
- Includes concepts, models, skills, and activities. This program is six weeks long with a very strict attendance policy that teaches life skills. Our staff is committed to teach these skills and awareness that kids need to survive and be successful after high school creating positive change. The units that will be covered will be group skills, anger management, communication skills, assertiveness training, problem solving, and conflict resolution. If you would like to learn more and visit our program you may go to
- Real World
- Our Real World program is offered to students that have graduated from the Discovery Program.
- Student Centered Achievement (SCA)
- 1/2 Day Support + 1/2 day online off campus
- Online Off Campus
- 100% Online Off Campus - do offer some in person support with student advisor. Also are supported with scheduled zoom/google meets with advisor.