Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about CALC:

  1. Does my student have homework?
    1. Generally speaking, students come to CALC to catch up on credits to graduate with their class. With that being said your student will more than likely have some assignments to work on.

  1. Can my student access his/her online classes at home?
    1. Absolutely! You can access the Odysseyware or Canvas websites through the district page on student links. Students should have a computer that is issued by the district that can easily be bookmarked. We expect that students will work at home on their online classes and their in person classes.

  1. What does my student’s day look like?
    1. Depending on the program they are in will determine what their day looks like. Our day starts at 8:55am and ends at 2:55pm.

  1. What kind of academic support do you provide my student during the school day?
    1. Students work with content area teachers and instructional aides throughout the day. We also bring in community volunteers for one-on-one support and to provide co-curricular activities such as knitting, independent science studies, and mentoring for senior projects.

  1. What kind of academic support do you provide my student after school?
    1. Students can stay after school until 3:30 for one-on-one support at CALC and/or to use our technology. We do not provide transportation home.
    2. Students can take a bus to the high school at the end of the school day for tutoring and support through the Community Learning Center (CLC) program. Support is available from 3:30-4:30 and 3:30-5:30 with buses that provide transportation home. 

  1. When can I get information about my student’s academic progress?
    1. You can call or email at any time, and you are always welcome to make an appointment to come in and talk with your student’s teachers. We also send progress reports every 6 weeks, which includes the end of each semester. 

  1. How do you help my student prepare for life after high school?
    1. We want our students to experience success here at CALC, and to then take that success out into the world of higher education and/or the workforce. 75% of the jobs in our current economy require education beyond a high school diploma, which could include technical training, certificates, 2 year degrees and 4 year degrees. To help our students prepare for those jobs, we have speakers from various colleges and companies come to CALC in order to help students see the possibilities beyond high school. We also coordinate college visits to ITT, PCC and Western Oregon University, and hope to add more colleges to that list this year. We provide support for filling out the FAFSA, connecting with Job Corps, applying to school etc.