FGHS Counseling » Scholarships/Becas


  This list is designed to help you get started with your scholarship search. The scholarships listed here are local scholarships available to FGHS seniors, as well as larger state and national scholarships that FGHS students have won in the past.  There are plenty of other scholarships not on this list - if you would like additional help searching for scholarships, please contact your counselor.
  Scholarships are listed under the month that they are due (each scholarship has various due dates within the month, so please make sure to double check your due dates!)
  Esta lista está diseñada para ayudarles con su búsqueda de becas. La mayoría de estas becas son becas locales y son disponible a estudiantes de FGHS. Al igual incluimos becas estatales y nacionales que nuestros estudiantes han recibido en el pasado. Hay muchas otras becase que no están en esta lista, si desea obtener más ayuda para buscar becas, por favor comuníquese con su consejera escolar. 
  Las becas incluidas están organizadas por el mes que deben ser completadas (cada beca tendrá fechas diferentes de cumplimento, así que por favor lea con cuidado). Y cualquier pregunta por favor de comunicarse con su consejera. 
Want more information about how to get started on finding money for your plans after high school?  Check out our guide to getting started here
For more scholarships please visit the college and career website here